An Indian wedding


The first 5 days of my journey in India where all about rituals and ceremonies for a wedding of a friend in Delhi. Hereby you find some pictures of how a traditional wedding in India is taking place. The wedding ceremony is taking place over some days finally resulting in the wedding ceremony. In between you have rituals like the Mehendi or traditional hand painting. You also have a ceremony where the bride get symbolic bracelets around the arm and which she has to wear for one year. Everything is very colourful and there is also a lot of traditional dancing and singing. This are some examples of rituals taken place in this days. It is also common in a lot of families that people are brought together based on the astrological signs of two persons. Which was not the case in this wedding. So in a lot of cases people in India are still brought together by their families without knowing their future partner before. In the outher form it is really different in some way and in the same time also very equal. Under all the outher layers on the other hand it is all about the same and about universal love and the connection between two persons.

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After some days of rituals and ceremonies for the wedding i left Delhi. It was an unique experience to be at an Indian wedding. Still grateful for this experience. A decision in the moment yesterday in the bus station made me buy a ticket to Jaipur in Rajasthan where i arrived today. I met a Spanish couple in Jaipur and we did a day trip today together. It is great to meet people like this while travelling. And it is great to know that wherever we go by ourselves we are never alone.

Wedding of a friend in Delhi


Yesterday at the Mehendi for the wedding of Vidushi in Delhi. I see it as a gift that i could attend a wedding in India. I am grateful for this experience and so many thanks to Vidushi for inviting me. Because it also brought my path towards India. For me being here in India it is also a new confirmation that how different everything looks on the surface that in core we are all connected in the same roots. Things as love, hope, faith, … are universal. We are all on a universal journey. For me was a new out of the comfortzone to put my self in other clothes for the wedding but inside my self i know i am not my clothes. No matter which clothes i wear i m who i am. A soul making a journey in the body i was given. Just like we all are who we are <3

Everything under the stars has a divine order


The journey to Delhi

Arrived safely in Delhi. Feels like i am dropped in another world 🙂 need some time to adapt to the time change and travel now. But how magic life prove to be again if you dare to step in the unknown. Yesterday during the transit in Moscow my path crossed somebody from Ghent who was also going to Delhi and is going to Rishikesh for a yoga retreat, the city where i am also planning to go after Delhi. We ended up sitting next to each other in the plane from Moscow to Delhi and started filosofing about life. It is inbelievable how everything under the stars is connected and that we are always at the right time and place. The last year sometimes it is crazy what happens all the time. Lately i was walking with a friend in Antwerpen and she told me that day about her friend that drove around the world with his bike. One day later i met a guy in a total other context and he told he travelled around the world and he seemed to be the man my friend talked about. The funny thing is that this are no individual causes but it happens all the time. Is so magic and it is happening in all our lives. Believe, fly and live your life. Do good and bring the best in your life and that from others


Ready for the journey


Ready for the journey