An adventure with Indian Railways


An adventure with Indian Railways

Yesterdag i took the night train from Jaipur to Haridwar in the North of India. Which was really an out of the comfortzone experience travelling like this. India is in so many ways another world compared to Western Europe. Also for the train. I choose for the low budget way and travelled in the non ac sleeper. No fancy, bus or train wagon, … . Back to basics together with the locals for who it is a normal way of travelling. In the station of Jaipur was so busy but i seemed to be one of the only foreigners overthere. For many Indian people in general it is like they see foreigners for the first time. They are looking with big eyes all the time like I am coming from another world. In generally they are very welcoming and they always want to take pictures. I have never been asked so much to take a picture then this first week in India. Picture, selfie, … . They keep asking. Especially the children and the younger people. In some kind of way it all has his charms.

Just like travelling in this kind of way has its charms. But sleeping that is another thing in this train. For me was like impossible to have a good sleep in this way. Even that i was tired of all the business in Delhi and Jaipur. The noise in the night, the people snorring, the train that is heavily shaken was part of this experience which can be nice during the day but for having a sleep i say no. So i would personally prefer to do it during the day. The nice thing was the interaction with the people and the children on the train. Even that most of them don’t speak English and I don’t speak Hindi we could have small conversations. After all it is good to travel like this instead of taking a flight or luxury bus as you can see how real life in Indian is going. By the way for this train which takes 12 hours to cover 600 Km you pay like 8 euro. There is no luxury at all but you reach your destination and despite the difficulty for sleeping this is a good way of travelling. I liked this way of travelling as i could witness how locals are travelling. It is so nice to meet people wether they are rich or not. Because it is not about the outside but about the inside. So i am happy to meet people with the most diverse backgrounds everyone with their stories. No matter who these persons look on the outside. They are all who they are with their own stories. Just like i am who i am wherever i go or who i am with.

After a journey of 12 hours i finally reached Haridwar in the morning at ten. Haridwar wich is a very famous Pilgrimage place for Hindus in the north of India. I booked a hotel close to the Ganges in Haridwar and the first thing i did after checking in was taking a ritual bad in the Ganges. After that bath in the cold water of the Ganges i felt reborn even that i didn’t have a good sleep. I am happy that i left all the business of the big cities after me and that I am now going to connect again with more silent places. Big cities are not my thing that is for sure. I am way to sensitive for all the industrial noises, cars, the lack of silence, … . Nature and silence after all is my favourite ground.

Here are some pictures from on the train last night

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